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How Our Most Intimate Relationships Help Us Heal Our Deepest Wounds

With Kristen Alexis & John Ruman

Course Summary

Relationships are mirrors that show us where we carry wounding in our own bodies.

Have you ever noticed that the people we love the most, especially our significant others, can trigger us in a way that no one else can?

It is almost as if they have a special knack for getting under our skin.

Why is this?

This is because our romantic partners amplify that which is already inside of us. We attract people who often reflect our wounding back to us. When we understand that our partner is simply showing us what is already inside, we begin to see ourselves much more clearly.

This is one of the reasons why it is so important that we do shadow work.

Whatever unhealed wounds and shadow pieces we carry within our psyche, will show up in our intimate relationships. Our subconscious mind is recreating old scenarios from the past, in the present moment, as an attempt to heal.

It is in the most intimate and romantic relationships where we experience the deepest pain, because our partners hold up a mirror to the unhealed wounds that need to be processed and integrated!

Looking at the unpleasant emotions that our partner is bringing up within us, we can see where we have more work to do.

Whatever behaviour is creating the unpleasant emotions, when we look a bit deeper, we can see that the truth is, we already feel these things at a cellular level. We already feel this particular pain. It lies dormant until our partner holds a mirror to show us where it is.

If we feel unworthy in our partnership, it is not our partner’s actions that is causing our feelings of unworthiness. The feelings of unworthiness already exist inside of us. And they are just shining a light on this shadow.

If we can look at what they are trying to show us, instead of projecting it onto them, then we can have full autonomy in our own healing.

When there are shadow parts of us that we are unaware of or we refuse to look at, they show up as parts of our partner that we don’t like. And they often trigger us like crazy.

It is our wounding that calls in the partners we’re attracted to.

So what can we do?

We can face the emotions and triggers head on in an intentional way, so that not only are we aware of our wounding but we can slowly begin to heal and integrate these unhealed parts of our psyche.

In our upcoming webinar, we will deep dive into our shadow selves and the recurring challenges and patterns that come up in our romantic relationships.

We will explore how to recognise our shadow, work with our inner child and heal the wounds that resurface in our relationships. 

Course Curriculum

Kristen Alexis

Hey I'm Kristen!

I’m a trained mindset coach with a specialization in sex, love and relationships. I’ve also been trained to help clients move through their trauma with somatic therapy.

I’m passionate about spirituality, psychology, personal development, neuro-science and wholistic healing. It is my life’s work to help individuals uncover their truest potential for happiness and joy.

In my individual practice, I’ve helped hundreds of women on their business & self discovery journey to create more fulfilling lives through my content, coaching sessions, workshops and freebies.

And I’m confident that I CAN HELP YOU TOO! 

John Ruman

I love helping people create a vision for their future alongside taking actionable steps towards that vision.

I moved to Trinidad & Tobago in 2015 and started an international business & executive coaching company, leveraging my years of experience in wealth and educational consulting.  In 2017, I began offering life coaching services, focusing on helping people achieve their inner greatness.

I have over twenty years of experience in the martial art of TaeKwonDo and have achieved the Master rank of fourth degree black belt. My rank is recognized by the World TaeKwonDo Federation in Seoul, Korea.

John Ruman

My name is John Ruman. I presently live in the Southern-most Caribbean island of Trinidad.

My mission on this planet is to help humanity achieve greatness and unlock our unlimited potential. I’m here to serve so we can all stop playing small and live the life we are destined to live.

This online platform is designed to help us break through and dissolve barriers so we can shine bright.

Topics vary from confidence building to practical things such as productivity & time management, to every day things like exercise, vitality, & diet.

If this sounds like a journey you want to join me and others on, come aboard. There is room for everyone and a seat with your name on it.