Are you really letting yourself be seen and chosen for who you truly are?
If the dream partner, job, client or opportunity came around would they be able to recognise you?
Or would they find a dimmed version of your light?
So many of us carry deep fears around rejection and abandonment in our subconscious that impact how we show up in the world.
If you've ever been shamed in the past or made to feel like you were wrong when being or expressing yourself, you may have learned to hide and tuck away certain parts of you.
You may have been taught that certain parts of your personality are not okay to express.
Others could have made you feel wrong for your playfulness, your difference in opinion, your sexual expression, your commitment to your spiritual practice, your expression of joy, your anger, your sadness etc.
In an attempt to not be left out, rejected or abandoned, you may have subconsciously created a certain persona that allowed others to accept you or one that allowed you to feel safe.
But deep down, you know that this is not who you truly are.
Here's what I want you to know if you have taken on any of these sub-personalities that hide or dim your light…
If you've adopted people pleasing tendencies to keep the peace
If you've taken on a "good girl" or “good boy” persona to cover up your sexual desires or expression
If you've created a tough exterior to hide your vulnerability
If you've taken on the role of caregiver or problem solver for your friends and family in order to receive love
If you've down-played your happiness, achievements or success to make others around you feel less jealous
If you've created any other sub-personalities that no longer serve your highest most authentic expression, this is what I want you to know.
It is safe to drop the mask.
It is safe to be yourself.
You are loveable as you are and you do not have to do anything to prove your worth. You have nothing to prove.
It is safe to step into your light.
You are loved, you are safe, you are enough.
Your dream partner cannot find you if you're afraid of being or expressing who you truly are.
The dream job or opportunity cannot finding you if you're down-playing your talents, afraid to ask for what you want and people pleasing.
The dream clients you desire cannot find you if you're hiding behind your social media and not asking for the sale.
The dream TRIBE of friends you desire cannot find you if you're pretending to be someone you're not.
If you'd like to learn more about creating safety around expressing yourself authentically and how to truly let go of these sub-personalities so that you can reclaim your vibrancy and the full expansiveness of your true personality....