Creating A Deeply Rewarding Life & Business

with John Ruman

Course Summary

Do you ever get the feeling that there must be something “MORE” to life than working, paying bills, taking care of your loved ones and going through the motions?

If you’ve ever had the thought “What am I really doing with my life?” then read on…

Our day-to-day lives can often become monotonous as we repeat and replay almost the same activities week in and week out. While this not only creates boredom and stagnancy, it also begins to make us feel like life lacks meaning.

Here’s what science says if we want to build a deeply rewarding life… There are 6 major components that every human being needs to move from surviving to thriving. Here they are:

 - Love & Connection
 - Certainty
 - Growth
 - Variety
 - Significance
 - Contribution

If any of these areas are out of alignment or non-existent, our lives begin to feel less than ideal.

But what if we had the power to actually design our life in a way that feels fun, enjoyable and ultimately deeply fulfilling?

What if most mornings could feel like the excitement and passion we experience in the days leading up to and the first days of a long vacation?

This is possible, we’d even go as far to say that it’s inevitable if you’re willing to make it happen for yourself. Though it may not be easy, the only thing worse than betting on yourself and investing in your growth is staying exactly where you are repeating the same patterns again and again.

Building a life that feels deeply aligned and fulfilling takes a lot of courage and usually a big mindset shift. This is because it is often so far removed from what most people are living today.

This is where we come in, by working with our nervous system to create safety within ourselves, building unwavering self trust and pushing our own limits and edges, we begin to slowly take action towards making the seemingly impossible actually possible.

Your life gets to feel good for you!

Join us in this call that will take us on a voyage of self-discovery and we’ll explore what’s getting in the way.

Course Curriculum

John Ruman

I love helping people create a vision for their future alongside taking actionable steps towards that vision.

I moved to Trinidad & Tobago in 2015 and started an international business & executive coaching company, leveraging my years of experience in wealth and educational consulting.  In 2017, I began offering life coaching services, focusing on helping people achieve their inner greatness.

I have over twenty years of experience in the martial art of TaeKwonDo and have achieved the Master rank of fourth degree black belt. My rank is recognized by the World TaeKwonDo Federation in Seoul, Korea.

John Ruman

My name is John Ruman. I presently live in the Southern-most Caribbean island of Trinidad.

My mission on this planet is to help humanity achieve greatness and unlock our unlimited potential. I’m here to serve so we can all stop playing small and live the life we are destined to live.

This online platform is designed to help us break through and dissolve barriers so we can shine bright.

Topics vary from confidence building to practical things such as productivity & time management, to every day things like exercise, vitality, & diet.

If this sounds like a journey you want to join me and others on, come aboard. There is room for everyone and a seat with your name on it.